So this week is set-up week, and so far it has gone pretty well. It's been kinda strange. I don't know how to describe it. I think I just have been really thirsty for the Lord and haven't really gotten as fed as I would desire. If you could pray for me for that, I would greatly appreciate it. I am currently working on my staff bio to hang up in our center, and as I was working on it, I looked up pictures of my bio from last year to get ideas of what to put on mine and I rediscovered this personal statement I had come up with. It was super encouraging to me and just filled me with joy because I still truly believe this:
"I am an optimistic person. I believe that tomorrow has the potential to be a great day; that all people are good at heart, no matter what the world has shown them; that everything happens for a reason - the bad is just an opportunity to learn and grow; that a person can accomplish anything they set their mind to; that one person has the potential to change the world and that that may result from a simple smile; most importantly, I believe in love. I believe in true love. I believe that there can and is one person for everyone. I truly believe that "all you need is love."
So good. And completely what I believe. I would add to that that rainy days are days to reflect and let the bad wash away. That getting lost is only an opportunity to see something new and appreciate the little things in life, as well as teach patience in a world that moves too fast. That there is no greater joy than the laugh of a small child. That the Lord holds each of us in the palm of His hand and that even our littlest concern is of greatest concern and He so desires for us to have the desires of our hearts. That He knows the color of our hearts because He painted them perfectly and that there is no greater thrill seeking, yet fulfilling adventure in life than following the Lord with reckless abandonment wherever He leads you.
Anyways, that is where I am at right now. I think that the time I have put in reflecting on that statement and adding to it has been some of the most meaningful personal time I have taken in the past couple of days. I hope that it was as encouraging for you to read as it was for me. I hope that parts of it may speak to some of your beliefs or challenge you to think from a new point of view.
Love, prayers, and blessings to all of you!